Aloha and apologies for being such a blogless blogger. The fact is that we've been living the adventure too hard to find time to document it. Here are a few photos with captions. I tried adding some video clips but the wi-fi here is just too laid back for that. Be sure to double click the pictures to get the full effect
The beach below is a few miles north of the airport. Getting to it involved driving across one of the most extraordinary roads either of us has ever seen, scratch across a huge flow of black lava.
Nearby beach. |
One of the highest highlights so far was our excursion on a boat that took us to a famed snorkeling area -- an underwater park.
Leaving harbour. |
En route to awesome snorkeling. |
The crew did a terrific job. We motored for about an hour, during which they got us set up with basic snorkelling gear. Along the way, we encountered a group of "spinner" dolphins that swam justt inches in front of the prow of the boat (which was going about 20 knots, I would guess) for a minute or two in a stunning and beautiful display that had us laughing with delight. They seemed jet propelled. We also saw a couple of huge manta rays. Once at the "garden," we swam in the 78-degree water for about an hour and a quarter. Or, rather, we hung out, gawking at the incredible array of goregous fish, corals, anenomes, etc. Amazing. Moira's vision is sufficiently limited that the mask didn't work for her, so they gave her a viewing box, an apparatus with a glass plate that can be held on the surface, and that worked beautifully for her. While we were in the water, a grey whale did some breaching just a few hundred yards away. On the way back we again saw whales and manta rays. A terrific experience.

All of that was too exciting to bother with taking photos, so I only have shots of us getting there and back.
Back to harbour. |
I was jealous. Now I'm something beyond jealous! I'm so glad you two are having a great time!