Tuesday, January 17, 2012


We had planned to go to Volcano Park and Hilo with one overnight, but the rioting rats in the ceiling of our otherwise idylic Jungle Cottage led us to leave a bit earlier and it turned into a three-day outting.  Here are a few highlights.

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Steam vent.

Not in Kansas anymore.

Inside a lava tube, an almost perfectly circular tunnel formed in and by molten lava.

Probably these pictures don't work.  You're thinking, "Hm, why'd he post a picture of a cow pat?"  But this pile is as big as a Volvo and we're in the midst of huge flow of stuff like this and it is quite something when you're there!

Hope springs eternal. 
Some people (e.g., us) are lucky.  We get born into resource-rich environments.  Others not so.  So too with plants.  We have seen many extraordinarily plucky, dig-in-and-work-at-it plants on this trip, along with megakilos of those thriving in composty luxury.

Lava arch.
We spent perhaps three hours driving down an amazing 18 mile stretch of road from down to the water (plus a really fun one-lane roller coaster side road).  This was the highlight at the bottom.  A few miles beyond this is the newest acreage on the planet, where lava flowed into the ocean and added land just a few years ago, but we were out of time and ill prepared for the hike and plus our brains were full.


  1. Oh beautiful. I love the lava arch and the idea that the volcano is creating more land. Perhaps this is the time to buy. You know, get in on the ground level.

  2. Glad to have the words about the lava flow. At a glance, I did indeed think it was a cow patty.
